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Submission Guidelines

Please read all guidelines listed before submitting your work to

Content Guidelines:

  • The maximum word count for prose (fiction and non-fiction) is 4000 words.

  • The maximum line count for poetry is 40 lines.

  • We accept simultaneous submissions and previously published work, so long as we are informed of this when the piece is submitted.

  • Please keep in mind, while sexual content isn't strictly prohibited, it is also not high on the list of what we are looking for as a magazine. Pieces high in sexual content are not likely to be accepted.

  • We do not accept pieces written by or generated with the use of AI.

  • We do not accept pieces with graphic violence, discrimination, sexual assault, or erotica. We also will not accept fanfiction, scripts, or academic essays. We do not accept artwork or photography that includes nudity.

    • We have a "Once Warned, Twice Banned" policy in place. Those submitting with content that violates our guidelines will be warned once and banned the second time.​

  • If you submit an untitled photo, and do not title it upon acceptance, we will title it for you.

    • Please see "Tongue Tongue Cat" for an example of our naming abilities.​

  • Failure to adhere to submission guidelines, along with late submissions, will result in an automatic rejection.

  • Submission should be submitted by 11:59 CST on the day of the deadline.

    • Fall Submission Period: September 15th to January 15th.​

    • Spring Submission Period: March 15th to July 15th.

  • The Mania Magazine team reserves the right to make minor spelling and grammar changes if need be.

Submitting Your Work:

  • Please submit your work via email at The subject line should have the title of your piece and its genre (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, art, photography).

  • You may submit up to three pieces of artwork/photography per submission window. You may submit up to two pieces of writing within the same genre. You can submit to multiple genres. 

  • Please submit each piece, even for those within the same genre, in separate Word documents.

  • If you are submitting to two different genres, please send two separate emails.

  • Please include a third person bio of up to a 100 words, including name and pronouns, in the body of your email.

  • Please format Word documents for writing submissions and JPEGs for art and photography submissions. Your work should not be found in the body of the email.

  • To format your Word document:

    • Please title the document with the title of the piece, its genre, and the word count​

      • Example: Falling Rain, Fiction, 3030​

    • Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Garamond

    • At the top of the document, please include any possible content warnings

    • Please do not include your name anywhere on the document, including its title, as this is an anonymous submission process

  • If you'd like to make a note of how you found us, preferably in the body of your email, we'd love to know!

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