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Mothball moon
shadows in the grey room
Tastes like direst thirst
Like undone tasks incomplete sentences hair in your spoon

Sounds like elephantine chants letters unwritten nostalgia
distant machine on-again-off-again
Blood careening in ear canal

Sandstone thoughts whip
away fly apart

Feels like Gabriel blowing banal
A castoff wrapper
hapless Isadora’s scarf
the wrong shoes
Dried sweat tightening
salt grains dissolving
burned marshmallow eyelids

Smells like unbridled wind
cilantro belch
Empty auditorium aria
Stiff peanut butter dregs

Streetlight pearls on the ceiling
grey changing to lighter grey

Sounds like
the tick of the olive pit on teeth
Click of the back gate in the dark
The thick dense pull of the spider web
(Where did the spider go can this be happening)
Dance floor muffled by peanut-shell dust
Mosquito whine Hand grenade heart

Jennifer Fanning is a teacher and writer living in Seattle, Washington. She holds an MA in English from the University of North Carolina in Greensboro. In her free time, she loves taking urban walks and photographing her cat, Benny.

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