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Cream and Sugar

I am too much sweetness
in your coffee—

too kind to be taken seriously
too loud to be included


I am not enough sweetness
in your coffee—

too bitchy, but never assertive
too quiet or meek

I am not enough cream
in your coffee—

hair too short
boobs too small


I am too much cream
in your coffee—

wearing too many dresses
too many skirts

But what is coffee without it’s
cream and sugar?

Can I not just be coffee?
Can I not just be me?

seen, heard, loved…

I matter for more
than what you think


I am still too much
not enough

cream and sugar
in your coffee—

Ainsley Epperson (she/her/hers) is a junior at Indiana University Bloomington studying Spanish Education with 2 minors: Second Language Studies and General Music Studies. She currently serves as the undergraduate representative on the School of Education's International Engagement Committee. In her free time, Ainsley enjoys journaling, listening to music, reading, and sampling coffees from around the world.

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